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Our Purpose/Mission Statement

The Missouri City Clerks and Finance Officers Association was founded in 1951 to promote the City Clerk profession throughout Missouri.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the general welfare of municipalities and to strive toward ever improving administrative techniques used in the operation of municipal governments by:

  • Cooperating with the Missouri Municipal League in carrying out the purposes set forth in the League’s Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Promoting and developing the Association as an agency for the professional benefit of Municipal Clerks, Finance Officers and other officials or persons with the same or similar powers and duties.
  • Establishing and improving methods and procedures in governmental record keeping and finance in Missouri as developed and recommended by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, the Government Finance Officers Association and other recognized authorities in the field of municipal administration.
  • Developing a better understanding by the members of their duties, obligations and responsibilities.
  • Promoting mutual cooperation and assistance between municipal officials and all other persons involved in governmental administration.
  • Promoting the cause of good government in municipalities by performing services which may best meet the interests and needs of the public as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Mission Statement

Missouri City Clerks and Finance Officers Association (MOCCFOA) is a professional organization, providing opportunities and resources for professional development and continuing education.

The Missouri CCFOA will provide its members on-going educational opportunities designed to assist members in the performance of their daily job responsibilities and equip them to face the future with confidence. The Missouri CCFOA will sponsor certification programs and provide support to its members to impart standards of quality and integrity to the profession and to improve the methods and procedures which meet the needs of the public as efficiently and effectively as possible.